Healed of Vaccine Side Effects On My Heart

Vision of claw-like demon fingers wrapped around my heart

Author:HHannah Taylor GraceDate: 1st October 2022

During a session of prayer and fasting on the 1st October 2022, the Holy Spirit gave me a vision of long black ash, claw-like-fingers wrapped around a bright red heart of flesh. Through the Lord’s direction I obediently performed an action where I grabbed my chest and threw my arms out in front of me and cast out a demon. I declared, “I cast you out black, claw-like demon with your fingers wrapped around my heart, by the blood of the Lamb who was slain and was risen again on the third day. Get out of me in Jesus’ Name!” I also carried out the same action and declaration over my husband, as I wasn’t sure if it was for him as well.

It was only a few days later that I noticed I no longer had trouble breathing and feeling weak in my heart and chest - I was healed!

A few months earlier I had received a booster vaccine for a certain well-known pandemic virus. After the injection was administered I experienced continual weakness in my chest and had trouble breathing normally. It would affect me at various times each day and I felt significantly weaker in my heart, where I would often feel the need to breathe more deeply to get enough air into my lungs. This condition made it quite difficult for me to swim, where even the pressure of the water on my body was too much for me to breathe without feeling quite weak in my chest. It was something that never went away months afterwards and my doctor hinted that I should avoid receiving further vaccinations, without saying the actual words.

I realised that the vision God gave me revealed a demon crushing my heart with its fingers and He empowered me to cast it out - I was healed that day! Praise His glorious name! As you can imagine, my faith has greatly increased after seeing Jesus heal my body this way. I was totally amazed and thankful and I give Him all the praise and all the glory that is due to His name - Hallelujah to Jesus Christ the Lamb who was slain and is risen again!

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”

Revelation 12v11 (KJV)

If you have suffered a similar condition I can testify that Jesus saves, Jesus heals and Jesus redeems today. (See Psalm 107v19-20)

“But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.”

Isaiah 53v5 (NLT)

Some months later, after I received this healing, the Lord led me to repent for being afraid of the virus. Even though I had followed and trusted the Lord all my life, He revealed that I succumbed to fear when I saw everything happening around me as the pandemic struck. I have since repented and would no longer go that same way anymore. He has taken me on a journey of learning to completely rely on Him and not to fear for my life anymore, nor trust in anything of this world. By the power of His Holy Spirit in me, I’ve learned to no longer love my life unto the death - but to give my whole body, soul and spirit to Jesus, for the glory of His name. By His grace I will win my race.

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.”

Revelation 12v11 (NKJV)
Author:HHannah Taylor GraceDate: 1st October 2022

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